theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!

theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
One day I was just on Facebook and when I saw a post where someone said that the theBalm Manizer Sisters palette and theBalm in your Hand palette are on a 50% sale, you have no idea how excited and happy I was. The only problem was that they were on sale in one store that isn't in my city, but I got on the first train the next day just so I could buy this palette. So lets start with this review! First of all, I'm pretty sure that this palette is LE and I have no idea if you still can buy it (cause I bought my a month ago). I think that the price of this palette is $30 which is not so expensive, cause if you would buy the three products that you get in this palette separately it would coast you $60 (each product is $20,but you get more grams of product if you buy the full sized products, but lets be really how big is the change that you will hit pan on this products in this palette?). I heard on IG that the full sized product are really soft and that is the reason for easy breaking. Thank God that isn't the case in this palette. Like I said before, you get 3 products, 1 highlighter (the one, only and famous Mary Lou), 1 blush (it could be a highlighter I guess for deeper skin tones- Cindy Lou), 1 shimmer bronzer (Betty Lou). The packaging of the palette is so cute, but that is the only good thing that I can say about it. It is made from paper and it can easily get messy. So the palette has 9 grams of product (3 grams each). Did I say that this is my first theBalm product and I'm freaking impressed. I forgot to say that you need to spend the products within 12 months of opening the palette. The lasting power of all products is really great. Now I'm going to say something about each shade. The first shade is Mary Lou. Pretty much one of the most (if not the most) famous product from theBalm and I get why. I freaking love this highlighter! It is really really pigmented and you need to be careful when you put it on. The shade is somehow a really nice golden one, but not to golden either. In the middle we have Cindy Lou. A shimmer blush in my opinion. I'm pretty fair and it doesn't really show so much on me cause it's not so pigmented like the Mary Lou, it is finely melted  and it has some shimmer in it and I think that it would look really nice on deeper skin tones as a higlighter, not really impressed by it but not disappointed either. An the last one is Betty Lou. This is a warm shimmer bronzer and it is SO pigmented. All in all I think that this palette is a great buy and I would recommend it to everyone, if you see it anywhere don't even think about it, buy it. The ingredients list is down below!

If you didn't see my last post you should check it out, it about my June favorites (CLICK)!

theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
U sredini prošlog mjeseca sam saznala da je u parfumeriji Martimex bio ogroman popust na 2 theBalm palete od kojih ću o jednoj danas pisati. Riječ je o theBalm theManizer Sisters paleti koja sadrži 3 proizvoda (1 hajlajter, 1 rumenilo i 1 bronzer). Nažalost, ova paleta je limitirana, ali s vedrije strane, svaki proizvod koji se nalazi u njoj možete kupiti posebno. 
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
Nemate pojma koliko sam bila sretna kada sam saznala da je ova paleta bila u pola cijena, jer sam ju još prije gledala i razmišljala da ju kupim tek kada je izašla, ali sam se dvoumila jer mi je bila preskupa. Još sretnija sam bila kada sam shvatila da par dana nakon što sam saznala za popust išla sam u Zagreb (parfumerije Martimex se valjda nalaze samo u Zagrebu?). Budući da do sada nisam isprobala niti jedan theBalm proizvod, ovo je bila idealna prilika za isprobati neke od njih. Paleta sadrži ukupno 9 grama (3 grama u svakom proizvodu), dok ako kupite svaki proizvod posebno dobijete 8,5 grama proizvoda. Hmmmm, sada se ovih 3 grama sigurno čini malo, ali realno kolika je mogućnost da ćete potrošiti ove proizvode? Što se tiče ambalaže, ona je preslatka i dosta posebna. 

theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
Ako ne znate, theBalm se ističe sa svojom jedinstvenom i vintage ambalažom. Mogu reći da imaju jednu od slađih na tržištu (oni i Benefit). Paleta je napravljena od kartona, što i baš nije najbolja opcija jer će se nakon nekog vremena korištenja ofucati i zaprljati. Ali paleta je dovoljno čvrsta tako da nemojte se brinuti, ako namjeravate putovati s njom. Prijeđimo sada na svaku nijansu posebno!
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
Mary Lou Manizer
Mary Lou Manizer- zlatan hajlajter boje šampanjca, jako lijepa nijansa koja će sigurno odgovarati svima! Ovo je jedan od najpoznatijih theBalm proizvoda i u beauty zajednici je vrlo hvaljen i to s razlogom. Pigmentacija mu je fenomenalna, tako da pripazite malo pri nanošenju jer ne želite izgledati kao disko kugla ili kao neke YouTuberice koje ga nanose i na obraze (no comment).
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
Cindy Lou Manizer
Cindy Lou Manizer- roskasta nijansa koja nije previše pigmentirana. Za svjetlije cure može poslužiti kao shimmer rumenilo, dok bi za tamnoputije bio odličan kao hajlajter! Nisam previše oduševljena ovom nijansom, ali niti razočarana.
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
Betty Lou Manizer
Betty-Lou Manizer- zlatno-brončana nijansa. Ukratko, riječ je o pigmentiranom shimmer bronzeru koji je također jako pigmentiran.
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!
All three Manizer Sisters
Trajnost proizvoda je stvarno odlična, a testirala sam ih na ovim vrućinama. Cijena palete dok je na popustu je 108,65 kuna. Za kraj želim reći da je ova paleta fenomenalna i ne mogu vam reći koliko sam oduševljena s njome. Od kada ju imam koristim ju skoro svaki puta kada se šminkam.
theBalm theManizer Sisters palette!

Ako slučajno niste pročitali moj posljednji post kliknite OVDJE, pisala sam o svojim mjesečnim favoritima!



  1. Nijanse su predivne. Mary Lou Manizer mi se najviše sviđa :)

    1. Jesu, meni je Mary Lou najdraži! Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled hehe. *O*

  2. Odlicno izgleda, Mary Lou je prelepa nijansa. :D

  3. Imam Mary i Betty :) Razmišljala sam da li da uzmem ovu paletu ili svaku posebno, no na kraju sam uzela posebno jer mi se Cindy nekako i ne sviđa. Mary mi je najdraži highlighter ikad!

    1. Meni je Cindy najmanje draga nijansa u ovoj paleti, ali opet nije loša. :P
      Mary Lou mi je isto najdraži hajlajter koji trenutno posjedujem, ali to je uvijek ta faza kada tek kupim novi hajlajter. :)

  4. Hvala na postu, ja upecala zadnji primjerak u pothodniku I bio je na 70% 😘

    1. Čula sam da je i taj popust bio nakon ovoga, to je još bolje! :D

  5. Hvala na postu, ja upecala zadnji primjerak u pothodniku I bio je na 70% 😘

  6. Mnogo je lepa, ja bas patim za njom.. :) Fashion Lover

  7. Ja bih imala Mary i Betty, super su <3


