Today I will show stuff that I bought in the past month and
you guys have no idea how excited I am to try all this stuff out. I bought a
lot of face products and stuff for the beginning of the school (NOOOO!). First,
I will show you what I bought for my face and some random things.
Danas vam donosim post o stvarima koje sam si kupila i nemate pojma kako sam užasno uzbuđena isprobati ih ponašam se kao malo dijete hehe :DKupovala sam stvari za lice te stvari za početak nove školske godine (nažalost). Prvo ću vam pokazati što sam si nabavila od stvari za lice, ali ima ponešto i za kosu i nokte.
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ovaka tip postove biste li htjeli post o mojoj rutini lica? Očekujte da će biti dosta recenzija sada.
I hope
you will like this type of posts, would you like a post about my skincare
routine? Expect a lot of reviews about the products you currently see in this
The first item from the left is the Garnier Nerli shampoo against
hair loss. In the past couple weeks I have problems with hair and I thought
this would be a good and not too expensive solution. Balea After Sun cure for
hair is something wonderful and cheap. This is already my second bag.
Prva stvar s lijeve strane je Garnier Neril šampon protiv ispadanje kose. U zadnje vrijeme imam probleme s kosom te sam smatrala da
bi ovo bilo dobro te ne preskupo rješenje. Balea after sun kura za kosu je nešto predivno i jeftino ovo mi je već 2 vrećica pa
očekujte uskoro recenziju.
When I went to the cash
register in the dm-in I saw dental floss, and I immediately had to have one, who
knows why so I bought the Dontodent dental floss. Aveo Nail polish remover is
something cheap, but good.
Kada sam išla na blagajnu u dm-u vidjela sam
zubni konac te sam ga odmah morala imati ne zna zašto, možda zbog filmova (vama
sigurno nema smisla, ali meni ima) pa sam nabavila Dontodent zubni konac.Aveo odstanjivač laka za nokte je nešto po meni vrlo jeftino, potrebno i dobro.
Balea toner
without alcohol I felt like cheap option and a good solution
because the last toner had alcohol. Mixa
moisturizer for children I got because I needed a moisturizer. he following
product is Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink
Grapefruit Cleansing Gel.
Balea toner bez alkohola sam smatrala jeftinim te dobrim rješenjem jer zadnji toner je imao alkohol u sebe te mi je isušio lice.Mixa hidratantnu kremu za djecu sam nabavila jer mi treba hidratantna krema pa možda mi se posrečilo.Slijedeći proizvod je Neutrogena Visibly Clear Pink Grapefruit gel za umivanje lica.
Goat's Milk undereye cream I took because I needed a new undereye
cream. For the same reason I purchased Eveline undereye cream. Alverde wild rose oil I bought because
it says it is for dry skin and I thought I needed some good oil for my face.
Ziaja Goat's Milk okoloočna krema sam uzela jer mi je trebala nova okoloočna krema.Zbog istog razloga sam nabavila i Eveline okoloočnu kremu. Alverde ulje divlje ruže sam kupila jer tvrdi da je za suhu kožu, a ja sam smatrala
da mi treba dobro ulje mome licu.
Now we are coming to the school thing, I admit that most of
the things I didn't need, but they looked cute. I bought all of this stuff in Offertissimu
except these sunglasses that I bought in New Yorker. Now I leave you with the pictures.
Sada dolazimo da stvarčica za školu, priznajem da mi većina
stvari nije potrebna, ali se činila slatkima. Tu ne budem previše duljila i
pisala što je što jer smatram da i sami shvaćate što je što. Sve sam kupila u Offertissimu,
osim ovih sunčanih naočala koje sam nabavila u New Yorkeru. Sada ću vas ostaviti sa slikama da vidite bolje što tu sve ima
Ne mogu bez dontodent konca, samo ja uzimam svijetlo zeleni.
ReplyDeleteSuper mi je konac a cijena je jeftina za 100 metra konca :)
DeleteJa bih trebala u šoping za povratak u školu...mislim krajnje je vrijeme hahaha :) Ovdje ima stvarno super stvarčica!
ReplyDeleteHvala :)