Fashion wishlist #1 [with Zaful]

Prije nekoliko tjedana dobila sam ponudu sa ZAFUL stranice da isprobam nešto od odjeće koju imaju te za uzvrat da napišem post o tim proizvodima koje sam si izabrala. Iako nisam modna blogerica, pristala sam jer, hello tko ne voli besplatnu odjeću? U ovom postu vam neću još pokazati što sam naručila, držati ću vas u neizvjesnosti haha. U ovom postu ću vam ujedno i predstaviti ovu stranicu i njihovu ponudu i cijene. Mislim da ste mogle od naših domaćih blogerica čuti dojmove o ovoj stranici, koji su bili dobri. Pa ja ću vam reći kako to ja vidim. Zaful je stranica na kojoj se nalaze različite stvari, najviše odjeće (ali ima i dosta nakita). Proizvodi su napravljeni u Kini te bih predložila da prije kupovine provjerite mjere i pročitate od kojeg je materijala napravljen proizvod. Ipak bih više preporučila da s ovakvih stranica naručujete više modne dodatke, poput torba jer tu ne možete fulati s veličinom. Na Zaful stranici imate FREE STANDARD shipping za sve narudžbe iznad $30. Inače, ja ću vam u ovom postu pokazati stvari koje su meni zapele za oko i koje ne moraju biti nužno u modi haha (tko još ima vremena pratiti modu?).

A few weeks ago I received an offer from a website called ZAFUL to try some of their clothes and in return I have to write a post about these products that I've chosen. Although I am not a fashion blogger, I agreed because, hello who doesn't like free clothes? In this post I will not even show you what I ordered, not yet. In this post I will  introduce this page and their offer and prices. Well I'll tell you how I see this site. Zaful is a page on which there are different things, mostly clothing (but there are also plenty of jewelry). The products are made in China and I would suggest you to check measurments and read from what material is a product made. On Zaful you have FREE Standard Shipping on all orders over $30. I'll show you in this post things that caught my eye and which are not necessarily in fashion haha ​​(who still has time to follow fashion?).

Kao što sam navela, stavila sam sve što se meni na prvi pogled svidjelo. Šarene majice su mi uvijek bile zanimljive, a ovaj crni crop top bih nosila sigurno da imam skroz ravan trbuh. Stavila sam i jedan džemper jer nam ipak dolaze hladniji dani, a i ovaj izgleda super ugodno. Ako niste znali, kod nekih artikla imate više boja u ponudi. 

As I said, I'll show you everything that I liked on the website. Colorful T-shirts have always been interesting to me, and this black crop top I would if I had a totally flat stomach. I needed to show you this sweater because colder days are coming, and this sweater looks super comfortable.
LINK/ $8,99

LINK/ $17,57

LINK/ $13,99
Morala sam dodati i kožnu jaknu, jer što bi bio svijet bez kožnih jakna? 

I had to add a leather jacket, because what would be the world without leather jackets?
LINK/ $18,99
Odlučila sam se samo za jednu haljinu, iako na stranici imaju stvarno OGROMAN izbor različitih modela. Meni se naravno uvijek svide one haljine koje nisu previše uske i koje su naravno šarene. Super je što ovu haljinu možete nositi u bilo koje godišnje doba (osim zime haha).

I decided to show you one dress, although on the site there is a really huge selection of different dresses. I usually like dresses that are not too tight and that are naturally colorful. It's great that this dress you can wear at any time of the year (except winter haha).
LINK/ $15,02
Moja opsesija su također hlače, ali ne bilo koje hlače, nego one koje imaju rupe na sebi i koje izgledaju kao da si pao sa stepenica i potrgao ih haha.

My obsessions are also jeans, but not just any jeans, but the ones that have holes and that look like you fell down the stairs and broke them haha.
LINK/ $23,29
Što se tiče obuće, tu sam definitivno se zaljubila. Ove crne platformice su predivne, bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled. Sumnjam da bih ih ja nosila, jer da ih nosim, pala bih ko kruška u prvih 10 minuta haha. Koliko znam, ovakve cipele su trenutno u modi i one su definitivno najskuplji proizvod koji mi se svidio haha.

As for shoes, I'm definitely in love. These black ones are beautiful, it was love at first sight. I doubt that I would ever wear them cause I don't know how to walk in heels. To my knowledge, these shoes are now in fashion.
LINK/ $43,99
Na ovoj stranici su mi ipak najviše zapele za oko torbe. Nikada ne možeš pogriješiti s torbama, zar ne? Nije ni čudo što svaka žena ima barem 5 različitih torba. Crna torba je naravno must have. Meni se svidjela ova koja je prikazana na slici, koja je dostupna u čak 7 različitih nijansi.

On this page I mostly liked bags. You can never go wrong with bags, right? No wonder that every woman has at least five different bags. A black bag is of course a must have. I liked this one that is shown in the picture, which is available in as many as 7 different shades.
LINK/ $24,99
To bi bilo to za danas. Sad mene zanimaju vaši dojmovi o ovoj stranici. Jesmo li vam već dosadni što ju stalno spominjemo? Koji proizvodi su vama zapeli za oko? Želim obavezno ćuti vaše dojmove u komentarima! :D

That was it for today. Now I'm interested in your thoughts of this page. What products did you like? I want to hear your thoughts in the comments! : D



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