Hello guys! Today I wanted to show you a short Halloween wishlist. Pretty much all of the stuff is from the site called Rosegal. I'm not sure if you ever heard anything about them, but they are pretty cool. On this site you can find seriously everything that want if we are talking about fashion. There you can find A LOT of dresses, shoes, shirts and bags and you have free shipping worldwide. Keep in mind that everything there is probably made in China. This site is really affordable so don't think you will get really quality clothes, I'm not saying that stuff on this site is bad, cause it isn't. But it isn't really good quality either. If you are interested in Halloween stuff you can look everything they have HERE. So lets start!
LINK/ $18,74 |
The first thing I was amazed by was this orange dress. Doesn't it look amazing?
LINK/ $12,36 |
The second thing I fell in love with was this shirt. It is black and it hat long sleeves so it is good for the winter months.
Jesam rekla da će biti stvarno kratka wishlista haha. Na ovoj stranici imate besplatnu poštarinu za svaki proizvod i svi proizvodi su napravljeni u Kini. Rosegal ima poseban program za sve kupce koji žele recenzirati odjeću te svakom daju priliku za to i to tako da osvojite kupon od 100 dolara koji možete potrošiti isključivo na njihovoj stranici. Ako ste zainteresirani kliknite OVDJE. U ovom postu sam vam samo htjela predstaviti ovu stranicu, s obzirom na to da sam bila te sreće i mogla si izabrati nekoliko stvarčica od njih koje ću vam predstaviti u jednom od narednih postova. Toliko od mene! Nadam se da uživate u ovom produženom vikendu.
I told you that this WL will be short. I would love if you would visit this site. Hope you all are having a great day!
Jel vam se išta svidjelo s ove stranice?
kul stvari :D
Hvala. :)
DeleteDa ima stvarno dobrih stvari al nisam jos nikad kupovala preko njih...Ima tko kakvih iskustva s njima?
ReplyDeleteJa javim svoja kada mi dodu stvari, ali necu napisati najdetaljnije jer su mi ljudi rekli da previse pisem hahaha ako zelis uvijek mi se mozes javiti na fejs stranici pa ti mogu sve reci sve sto te zanima vezano uz tu stranicu! :)
DeletePricekaj da meni dodu stvari tako da ti kažem za kvalitetu i sve, ako si zainteresirana za kupovinu. :)
ReplyDeleteIstina, ali ova stranica ima par programa u kojima ljdui koji nisu blogeri mogu dobiti pravo kupovine samo treba malo pregledati. :) Sigurna sam da svatko moze dobiti nesto s ove stranice besplatno. :)